react gallery app

Web application that'll include pages to list, add, update, and delete books. A more intuitive way to manage the library's collection of books.

Created with node.js, express and SQL ORM Sequelize using middleware, routes, pug templates and SQLite database to accomplish a full functional and dynamic website.

User begins at the landing page with a list of library's collection of books where:

  • Create a new book. (with validation errors)

  • Look for detailed info of each book.

  • Update the book. (with validation errors)
  • Delete the book.

    Always taking care of not found pages, not results for a book search or for internal server errors.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • SQL ORM Sequelize
  • SQLite
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Miguel Angel Alcala Romero © 2020