Miguel Angel Alcala Romero

Full Stack JavaScript Developer and a human being in his free time.

Hello! I'm a Telecomunication Engineer with a strong curiousity and hunger to learn everything that falls in my hands.

Destiny (or lifecicle) took me to the Full Stack Development Techdegree from Treehouse after a beggining path of autodidact learning and waking up that organized mind of mine to code searching the best, cleanest and smartest way (even being the hardest) to resolve any problem that can be solved with some coding.

Perfectionist, detallist and organized, always looking for doing my best I have the growing feeling inside my body and soul that everything can be solved if you don't give up trying. Fast learning, dedicated and motivated to accomplish what are in my way, but always remenbering that a house cant be built from the roof. Always available to lend a hand, review a code or help find the ideas that have to flow from my partner's minds.


  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Mocha
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • React.js
  • Vue.js
  • Nuxt.js
  • SQL
  • Sequelize
  • GraphQl
  • MongoDB
  • Bootstrap

Contact Info

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Miguel Angel Alcala Romero © 2020