full stack app with react and REST API

APP using REACT for Client and Express for REST API that provide a way for users to administer a school database containing information about courses:

  • Show all existing courses, link to create a new course and options to create a new user or sign in with an existing user:

  • To create a new user to be able to modify courses or create a new course, or sign in with user.

  • To create a new Course once user has signed in.

  • View detail for a specific course once user has signed in and where updates or deletes if user own the course.

  • Viewing detail for a specific course, as well as creating, updating and deleting courses in the database.

    Created with React js and consuming REST API using create_react_app, react_router.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React.js
full stack app with react and REST API0full stack app with react and REST API1full stack app with react and REST API2full stack app with react and REST API3

Miguel Angel Alcala Romero © 2020